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In the century between Caesar's expeditions and the conquest under Claudius, kings in Britain began to issue coins stamped with their names, see Cantiaci Coinage . The following kings of the Cantiaci are known:
Dubnovellaunus. May have been an ally or sub-king of Tasciovanus
of the Catuvellauni, or a son of Addedomarus of the Trinovantes.
Presented himself as a supplicant to Augustus ca. 7 BC.
Vosenius, ruled until ca. 15 BC.
Eppillus, originally king of the Atrebates. Coins indicate he
became king of the Cantiaci ca. 15 BC, at the same time as his brother
Verica became king of the Atrebates.
Cunobelinus, king of the Catuvellauni who expanded his influence
into Cantiaci territory.
Adminius, son of Cunobelinus. Seems to have ruled on his father's
behalf, beginning ca. 30 AD. Suetonius tells us he was exiled by Cunobelinus
ca. 40 AD, leading to Caligula aborted invasion of Britain.
Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico
Suetonius, Lives of the Twelve Caesars
John Creighton (2000), Coins and power in Late Iron Age Britain, Cambridge
University Press
Wade-Evans, A. W. (1938), Nennius’s History of the Britons
Tribe: Cantiaci, Cantii
Location: Canterbury, Kent.
Extent: Cantium (Kent).
Notes: Caesar thought them the most civilized tribe in Britain, and
recorded four kings each ruling a minor kingdom; Cingetorix, Carvilius,
Taximagulus and Segovax. Strong Belgic influence
Principal Tribal Sites
The Civitas Capital
DVROVERNVM CANTIACORVM (Canterbury, Kent) - Pre-Roman settlement, later
cantonal capital served by a port three miles down the Stour at Fordwich.
Amminus (Adminius) apparently minted coin with a Durovernon mint-mark;
"... The natural shape of the island [Britain] is triangular, and one
side lies opposite to Gaul. Of this side one angle, which is in Cantium
(where almost all the ships from Gaul come in to land), faces the east,
the lower angle faces south. ..." (Caesar De Bello Gallico v.13)
He goes on to speak of the people of Kent in glowing terms:
"Of all the Britons the inhabitants of Cantium, an entirely maritime
district, are by far the most civilised, differing but little from the
Gallic manner of life. ..." (Caesar De Bello Gallico v.14)
And provides us with further snippets on the political geography, mentioning
four Kentish rulers:
"... Cassivellaunus¹ sent messages to Cantium, a country by the
sea, as above set forth, over whose four districts Cingetorix, Carvilius,
Taximagulus, and Segovax ruled as kings, and commanded them to collect
all their forces for a sudden attempt and assault upon the naval camp².
..." (Caesar De Bello Gallico v.22)
Commander of the combined British force opposed against Caesar during
his second British expedition of 54BC.
The naval fortifications erected by Caesar (vide G.W. v.11) were located
somewhere on the northern coast of Kent; the exact site will remain unknown
as the area has been lost to the erosion of the sea.
The Kentish kings' assault on the Roman naval camp was not to succeed,
and their failure forced Cassivellaunus to come to terms with Caesar, who
took hostages, levied tribute, and sailed swiftly back to Gaul before the
seasons turned.
It is of note that Caesar always speaks of the region, Cantium, and nowhere provides us with the actual name of the tribe inhabiting the area.
Dubnovellaunus Perhaps one of several kings of the Cantiaci in the latter half of the first century BC, but certainly the first to issue inscribed coins. The styling of some of these coins is essentially Celtic, suggesting a date perhaps around 40 or 30BC. of particular interest is his unique silver issue, which bears three horses heads and forelegs arranged in a six pointed star-like design on the obverse, with the letters DVBNOVELLAV around the edge of the flan. Other issues adopting Roman designs were produced later in the century, one depicting a metalsmith at work with DVBNO inscribed along the edge of the flan behind the central figure; once again reflecting increasing contact between the south-east of the country and Roman Gaul. Towards the end of his period of rule, before the coins of Eppillus appeared on the scene in the initial years of the first century AD, other nobles issued incribed coinage in Cantium, one a Vosenios, and another possibly with the name Sa[...], though this may represent a mint mark. He could feasibly have been the second suppliant British king mentioned in the Augustan record, but it is not likely (vide Dubnovellaunus of the Trinovantes).
Vosenios Minted coins inscribed by Vosenios were being issued towards the end of the first century BC, following or possibly contemporary with those of Dubnovellaunus, his probable predecessor. Other coins issued during this period inscribed only with a cryptic SA could either be those of another Kentish king or they too may be of Vosenios; if the inscription is inverted, it may be construed to read V[osenio]S, the horizontal bar from the letter 'A' usually being omitted when used in Celtic coinage inscriptions, appearing as an inverted 'V'. These letters need not refer to a personal name but could instead record a title, the site of a mint or the name of an unrecorded group of people. Coins of Vosenios departed the scene around AD15, and were succeeded by issues of Eppillus.
Eppillus Coins inscribed EPILL began to appear in Cantium around AD15, replacing those of Vosenios. These coins, although stylistically quite dissimilar, may reasonably be identified with those of Eppillus of the Atrebates, who was ousted from his throne at Calleva (Silchester in Hampshire) by his younger brother Verica at this time. The coins of Eppillus are spread over a considerable area in the north-western part of Cantium, centred seemingly around the oppiddum at Durobrivae (Rochester). The people of the region seem to have readily taken to the Atrebatean prince, which suggests that he had previously had contact with them, perhaps even dynastic connections; Eppillus may have married a Cantiaci princess whose family resided at Rochester. Eppillus was himself replaced by another non-Kentish king, Adminius of the Catuvellauni c.AD30. (vide Eppillus of the Atrebates)
Cunobelin The coins of king Cunobelin of the Catuvellauni appeared throughout Cantium during the early part of the first century AD, indicating either increased trade between the two tribes, or, more likely, the annexation of Cantium (vide Cunobelin of the Catuvellauni).
Adminius Adminius was probably the eldest son of Cunobelin, who was given the administration of Cantium by his father c.AD30. Inscribed coinage has been found throughout the canton, bearing the name AMM INVS, and a mint mark DVN, probably indicating an administrative centre at Durovernon. (vide Adminius of the Catuvellauni)